Ocular ultrasound

Ocular Ultrasound is a diagnostic procedure to visualize the eyeball and determine abnormalities that affect the sight of the eyes
Ocular Ultrasound is a type of diagnostic test to visualize the eyeball and determine abnormalities that affect the vision of the eyes. It provides data for retinal detachment or the vitreous, intraocular hemorrhage, cristallyne disorders, presence of extraneous matter, and identify ocular tumors. Also to analyze the ocular muscles and retroocular area along with vascularisation of the retina.


Position the patient supine and scan the patient through closed eyes using frequency transducer on each eyelied. The scan is performed in both eyes and patient should move the eyes to different positions.

Ultrasound preparation

No prior preparation is required on the part of the patient for this kind of study. You are allowed to use contact lenses

Ultrasound risk and contraindications

There are no risks or contraindications in this type of study.


Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.