
Retinography is an emergent technique that captures color digital images of the retina. The retina is a thin sheet, made of light-sensitive nerve tissue and blood vessels, that lines the back of the eye

“Thanks to the retina vision is possible”.

This process allows to detect a range of different retinal diseases such as, diabetic retinopathy; pigmentary retinosis or macular degeneration. The images obtained in those test are saved on the computer system and are send to another place from were made for its study.

This technique proves to be helpful in the early detection of diabetic retinopathy, eye disease that affects patients with diabetes mellitus and is one of the leading causes of blindness in the developed.

Retinography is an easy test and resulting comfortable to patients. The only inconvenience that may cause is the pupil dilatation by pharmacological drops get high quality images.


Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.