
Glaucoma is still one of the main causes of blindness in the world. Is a disease that damage the optic nerve causing the irreversible and progressive loss of vision.There are many factors that can cause, such as family genetic inheritance, be over 40, black african, being myopic and be a smoker. Large hyperopes with eye pain or acute angle closure glaucoma, have laser treatment. Is very important the Eye Specialist examination to assess the high pressure of the eye, due to is one of the risks to develop glaucoma.

There are a variety of drops available nowadays for treating eye high pressure and prevent the formation of glaucoma. For advanced and inappropriately controlled states, despite medication, we propose surgery.

What is a Glaucoma ?

Is a neurological disease that damage the optic nerve causing the irreversible and progressive loss of vision. Eye high pressure or low blood pressure, are risk factors for development

Glaucoma symptoms

Generally is a gradual loss of peripheral vision, reducing size of the field of view, and may unnoticed in its early stages. Where the condition of glaucoma is advanced, patient sees only a very small central area evolving in a complete blindness if it treatment not been given. Glaucoma has been called the “silent thief of sight” because the loss of vision occurs gradually over a long period of time. No one is conscious of having the disease until glaucoma is advanced, then the signs may be irreversible.

Glaucoma diagnosis

Is very important to see the Ophthalmologist annually to check ocular pressure.  A visual field examination to assess the aspect of optic nerve and the presence or absence of disorders in the visual field of each patient. This is preventive medicine, since undergoing these explorations, we can diagnose your problem at an early stage, with a better visual outcome, of course. People with family history of glaucoma have a special predisposition to develop  the disease.

Glaucoma Treatment

The main goal of treatment is to lower the pressure within the eye using the eyedrops . There are a variety of drops available nowadays. Many people obtain good control of their disease using these hypotensives. In other patients who do not respond to this medication or are suffering a deterioration even using these medication, finally ought to have surgery.


Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.