
Gonioscopy is a diagnostic test that checks problems of glaucoma and to determine if the angle where the meet the cornea is open and wide or narrow and closed. During the examination anesthetic drops are used in the eyes. A soft contact lens is placed in the eye. This Contact lens has a mirror shows the doctor if the angle between the iris and cornea is closed and locked (signs of possible closure glaucoma or an acute angle), or wide and open (possible indication of glaucoma or chronic open angle.


Gonioscopy preparation

If you wear contact lenses remove them before this test and do not put them back in for 1 hour after the test or until the medicine used to numb your eye wears off. If your eyes might be dilated during your examination, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after the test.

How is it done ?

Gonioscopy is done in our consultation. Eyedrops are used to numb your eye so that you will not feel the lens touching your eye during this painless examination.

During gonioscopy, you may be asked to lie down or to sit in a chair. A microscope (slit lamp) is used to look inside your eye. If you sit, you will place your chin on a chin rest and your forehead against a support bar and look straight ahead. A special lens is placed lightly on the front of your eye, and a narrow beam of bright light is pointed into your eye. Your doctor looks through the slit lamp at the width of the drainage angle. The examination takes less than 5 minutes.

How it feel ?

Gonioscopy does not usually cause any discomfort. The eyedrops used to numb your eye may burn a little. You may find it hard to keep from blinking during the test.

Risk and contraindications

If your pupils were dilated, your vision may be blurred for several hours after the test. You should not rub your eyes for 20 minutes after the test, or until the medicine wears off. There is also a very small risk of an eye infection or an allergic reaction to the eyedrops used to numb your eyes..


Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.