Facial Aesthetic Treatment

Facial aesthetic treatment anti aging, it is done with muscle relaxants substances for the facial muscles and,  degenerative pathologies type essential blepharospasm or hemifacial spasm.

This substance is a current treatment  to relax certain facial muscles and cause a decrease in wrinkles on the faces of the women of 35-55 years.

It consists of an outpatient treatment of 10 minutes, which allows performing daily activities immediately after treatment. Repetition is recommended every six months to maintain the effect. Likewise, there are degenerative neurological diseases that cause abnormal movements of the face such as flickering repeat with eyelid apraxia or inability to open his eyes, turning this problem the patient functionally blind, with difficulty up to cross the carretera.These alterations are also treated with muscle relaxant substances. The effect is reversible, and in some cases should be repeated every three months



Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.