Currently due to multiple factors such as: Age, use of some medications, dysfunction of Meibomian glands of the eyelids, autoimmune diseases, use of technology (tablets, computers, mobile phones .. Side effect due to eyelids cosmetic surgery … etc, there is a large number of patients with Dry Eye Syndrome.).

This pathology is characteristic for having a constant sensation of intraocular foreign body, irritation, redness and in many cases transient blurred vision due to a poor quality of the tear film.

It has been studied an article of the “New England of Medicine”, on whether it is really effective, the supplementation in our diet with Omega 3 acids or not taking them, in patients with symptomatic dry eye syndrome.

In ophthalmology it is usual the use of these products because it is believed that it improves the tear film, as well as its anti-inflammatory effect, since the dry eye is chronic and inflammatory.

The patients under study were randomly divided, and some of them were administered DHA and EPA, both Omega 3 acids whose origin is in fish, and others were given the equivalent of one teaspoon of olive oil per day.

Finally the conclusion was, that there was no significant difference between the two groups. Therefore, it seems that there is no objective or subjective improvement in patients supplemented with Omega three.

Regarding the use of olive oil, there was some controversy because some researchers believed that it could have a beneficial effect on the tear film, although this effect was dismissed because the amount taken daily in our Mediterranean diet, the use of this product daily is higher than the amount taken in the study.

Currently we are using a large number of products for patients with dry eye such as: artificial tears, autologous serum drops, plasma eyedrops enriched in platelets or growth factors, plugs that occlude the lacrimal punctures to favor the retention of tear in the eye, anti-inflammatory eye drops without corticosteroid-type preservatives and topical cyclosporine, also with an anti-inflammatory effect.

All this therapeutic store reveals the magnitude of this problem for many people, being necessary the awareness of the same issue to follow a correct treatment, that undoubtedly will improve the result and the quality of life for them.