Ocular biometry

An Ocular examination Biometry gives the measure and size of the eyeball. This test is essential to know the size of the intraocular lens for implantation in cataract surgery, IOL implantation and refractive surgery.

Qué es una Biometría Ocular ?

Se trata de una prueba que tenemos que realizar a los pacientes que van a ser intervenidos de catarata, y que nos ayuda a conocer con precisión todas las características de su ojo para poder elegir la mejor lente a implantar en su caso.Tambien es prioritaria realizarla en personas que van a ser intervenidas con laser de su defecto de graduación.Se trata de una prueba rápida, sencilla y no invasiva.

Biometry preparation

No prior preparation is required on the part of the patient for this kind of study, which is entirely painless and has no side effects.

What will you feel in a optical camimetry

No prior preparation is required on the part of the patient for this kind of study, which is entirely painless and has no side effects..

Risks and contraindications

There are no risks or contraindications in this type of study.



Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.