Corneal Pachimetry
Corneal Pachymetry is a procedure for measuring the thickness of the cornea. The examination can be done on different methods such Ultrasound. Is an emerging technology that allows perform Corneal Pachymetry using a Tomography, superficial scan on the eye. A scann of the front surface of the eye is made, providing a three-dimensional measure of entire length of the cornea and its thickness, data of the thinnest location area and the corneal volume. Corneal density is displayed on color schemes of a numerical value given in microns over all the points of the cornea.The most common Corneal Pachymetry utilities are:
Glaucoma Patiens:
Usually, the way of measuring the internal eye pressure is always from the walls of the eyeball, on the cornea. The thickness of the cornea affects the measure of the pressure. if the cornea is thick reports a false high eye pressure, and a thin cornea reports a false low eye pressure, finding variances of up to 10 mmHg by effect of the corneal thickness. To know the real value of the intraocular pressure is necessary to know corneal thickness, it is when an pachymetry is required.For patients who would like to have a refractive surgery, the value of the corneal thickness must be known. Is necessary this data in order to be successful to surgery, a healthy cornea should have minimum 480 microns.
Keratoconus Patiens
Keratoconus is a progressive thinning of the cornea forming gradually a rounded cone shape. For patients with keratoconus is required regularly follow up and pachymetry to supervise this pathology and thinning of the cornea.
Pachymetry is also performed on patients with keratoconus who previously done CROSS-LINKING, in this case to check the thickening of the cornea and the treatment favorable effects.
Patients wearing contact lenses.
Patients wearing contact lenses should be made this test regularly to identify the corneal thinning caused by lens. Studies have revealed that contact lens , even with a perfect adaptation, may result in thinning of the cornea up to 4 microns per year.
Request appointment with Dr. Gloria Carretero to evaluate your vision problem.