Presbyopia or “tired eyesight” is poor near vision due to the difficulty of accommodating the lens when it is necessary to focus between 33 to 40 cm, the distance required to read a book, watch on a tablet or use a mobile phone. The main cause is due to aging, from the age of forty is when you begin to notice difficulty in near vision, and it also occurs in emmetropic people (with very good distance vision without glasses) and who begin to wear glasses to near visual activities over the age of 45.
This is a pathology that affects practically 100% of people. However, many people, those with myopia (bad farsightedness), when forty arrives, sometimes solve it by taking off their farsighted glasses when they have to read, since presbyopia is a defect contrary to myopia and a different prescription of glasses, and therefore they can partially or totally compensate it.
The correction of what we know as tired vision is one of the most demanded procedures in Ophthalmology, due to the discomfort caused by the dependence on glasses in people who had never needed them because they had good vision. For years, ophthalmologists have been using multifocal intraocular lenses through surgery to correct them, thus solving or reducing the problem. However, this procedure is not without risks. This surgery is reserved for people over 55 years of age and, if possible, who also require surgery due to some cataract. It is valued for people who need glasses for all their daily activities and who already have some vision impairment. However, this procedure is not without risks. This surgery is indicated for people over 55 years of age and, if possible, who also require surgery due to some cataracts. It is valued for people who need glasses for all their daily activities and who already have some vision impairment.
There is a pull of patients between 40 and 55 years old, for whom there is no perfect technique for this pathology. This is the age in which reading glasses are not used for everything, only for some activities.
In recent years at ophthalmology congresses have been talking about different types of eye drops or drops for ocular application, which can improve presbyopia. The Benozzi Method is the best known, it has been implanted in some countries for years, although there is some secrecy regarding its composition, and it has not been legally approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Federation). One of its components is Pilocarpine, a drug that produces pupillary contraction favoring close focus, although it is not without side effects such as headaches and retinal detachment. However, we can say that we are in luck since VUITY, the first eye drop designed to counteract the effects of tired eyes, has recently been officially approved in the United States. It has not yet arrived in Europe and is expected to do so shortly.
It is made up of Pilocarpine and an anti-inflammatory in eye drops and can only be prescribed by an Ophthalmologist. This requires follow-up and continuity reviews with the patient from time to time and checking that there are no contraindications for its personalized use. This type of eye drop may be a good option for pre-presbyopic patients who do not have other associated eye pathologies. In addition to these patients being able to tolerate their possible side effects, therefore we thus adopt another weapon in our therapeutic arsenal available to our patients.
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