We already have the latest FDA-approved dry eye technology in our clinic.

 It is a continuous plasma generator, with precision to the millimeter, devices specially designed for ophthalmological treatments have been developed for this plasma generator.



 Unlike IPL (the latest treatment known until now), the meibomian glands of the eyelid can be treated, not only outside the eye, but also through its internal portion and through the fat exit orifices or Meibomian, obtaining satisfactory results.

 The glands contract themselves to produce the fat needed by the natural tear film of the eye. The Meibomial glands are responsible for producing the oil  and bringing it to the rest of the components that make up the tear film (aqueous and mucous), being an important component for it, acting as a protective tear film preventing evaporative dry eye.



As age advances, there is also aging in the periocular area with rigidity and loss of elasticity of the glands. People who have Blepharitis also have inflammation; redness, tissue oxidation around the eye, poor eyelash position due to the inflammatory effects caused, and chronic dry eye.


The following effects are achieved with the new plasma generator:

1.- Better contraction capacity of the glands, with liquefaction by electrovaporation and thermal effect of the oil that the glands produce.

2.-Local anti-inflammatory effect.

3.-Germicidal effect and elimination of Demodex Follicullorum, which causes chronic Blepharitis.

4.-Increased and improved local vascularization.

5.-Tissue rejuvenation, increasing tissue elasticity and collagen production.

The treatment is carried out in four sessions of approximately 20 minutes each, with an interval of one week between them.It is performed under local anesthesia and is a painless procedure. From the third session onwards is when the patient notices improvement. In many cases, the use of artificial tears on a daily basis is less necessary; the effects are also noticeable because you can tolerate more hours of air conditioning, use of screens, reading, etc.

This latest acquisition makes us reaffirm our commitment to the latest technologies.

If you notice a feeling of grittiness, blurred vision, difficulty opening your eyes in the morning, redness of the eyelid and/or eye stinging, you may have dry eye, so we encourage you to try this new treatment.