We often see In the consultation, patients with a few months of age, who have tearing since birth. This is technically “congenital Dacryostenosis

These children have recurrent conjunctival infections, and it is very common to hear mothers say that they always have secretions or stench in their eyes.

The treatment is with antibiotic ointment and eye drops, improving the symptoms temporarily, and at the same time they start again with the same problem.

It is the imperforation of a membrane that occupies the proximal portion of the lacrimal duct, and it is impossible for it to follow its natural path. The tear is accumulated in a sack bottom, which can not go to the nose, it is an ideal breeding ground for the growth of germs, and hence the repetitive infections.

It is important to know that in 90% of cases it resolves spontaneously before the child reaches one year of age, which is a self-limited pathology in time. Can be helped with daily massages in the inner tear tear, fachoing his resolution.

Children older than one year and continuing with tearing, is confirmed in consultation through the “Fluorescein Test”. If the lacrimal duct remains obstructed, in the operating room, a lacrimal duct probing is performed.

The procedure takes a few minutes and is performed under general anesthesia or deep sedation. Using a probe of minimum caliber, the lacrimal path is traversed from the eye to the nose, ensuring that we have perforated the pathological membrane. A liquid dyed with biological dye (trypan blue or sodium fluorescein) is injected through the lower tear hole to check that it passes into the nose correctly. The nose is aspirated and the color of the discharge is evident.

Afterwards, the patient needs a local treatment with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops, for a few days. the procedure is simple but if it is not done, the patient in his adult age could have more complex procedureshttps://clinicaoculardoctoracarretero.es/english/lacrimal-duct-obstruction-and-treatment/