As a result of constant technological developments in ophthalmology, a new therapeutic tool for the correction of nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness, is currently available by surgery.
IOLs based on a new concept that are found in an intermediate point between the lenses heretofore known or monofocals (which correct distance vision but not near vision, necessitating reading glasses), and last generation or Trifocal (which correct distance vision, intermediate and near).
These new lenses have several advantages over the other two, also minimizing many of its side effects.
In this way and regarding monofocals lens, give the same good visual quality, and bring closer the focus of reading to patient being able to read without glasses from a distance of 50-55 cm (equivalent to intermediate vision or computer use).
And regarding multifocals they have less loss of sensitivity to contrast and night driving is best tolerated, since the surface treatment minimizes nighttime halos (main problem with trifocals).
They are less demanding when they have to be implanted in patients with any ocular pathology, and are also better tolerated by patients with small residual defects in the resulting graduation, not overly affecting vision and not so in multifocals because on more occasions a second laser intervention is needed to correct this small refractive defect.
Therefore, and by the great reviews of recent conferences and specialized scientific meetings in refractive surgery, we can say that regarding the other two options is a very valid alternative with a wide range of patients who to benefit.