We continue to update and news topics treated in the last course held in Bilbao on “The Future of Ophthalmology”.


1.- In the study DEWS ll 2017 is concluded that dry eye is a chronic disease in which various alterations and hyperosmolarity, superficial inflammation occur, and neurosensory surface anomalies. All this is influenced by smoking, certain medications and the use of contact lenses.

New drugs such as “Lifitegrast Xiidra”, improve symptoms in two weeks, and “Cyclosporins” for ocular use, such as Restasis or Ikervis, also contribute to improve it, although the tolerance is somewhat worse and the effect begins to be noticed from two months of its use.

2.-The latest studies talk about the “Intestinal Dysbiosis” or microorganisms coexisting with us in our intestine, as demonstrated influence on the appearance of dry eye, as well as other pathologies such as Diabetes Mellitus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis or Multiple Sclerosis.

3.-OCULAR ALLERGY: It has recently been approved by the FDA (food and drug administration), a new Antagonist of the H1.A receptors Zetiricina 0.24%, which will be administered every twelve hours.

4.-In Keratoconus treatment protocols: -Crosslinking for stabilization.

-Intracorneal or customized laser segments in second place of the therapeutic step

5.-Regarding corneal transplant or “Keratoplasty”, the most widely used is the Endothelial Transplant.

6.-It has been shown that Ciprofloxacin has better coverage than any other Quinolone for prevention of Pseudomonas keratitis in contact lens wearers.


1.-There is a current controversy in the treatment of Premature Retinopathy, regarding intravitreal antiVEGF versus LASER peripheral diode.

2.-Two new antiangiogenics will soon appear for intravitreal use. The “Brulocizumab”, which as a novelty, has a time of action for three months, and “DARPIN”, with six months compared to the current one and two of Lucentis and Eylea.

3.- market are putting in place the ANGIO OCT and widefield OCT for better visualization of all retinal layers.

4. Work continues on gene therapy studies in the field of macular degeneration (AMD) it seems will be the future of this disease so prevalent.

5.- What is most influential in the prevention of ocular endophthalmitis, is the use of povidone iodine three minutes before the procedure.

6.-is established as “Myopia Magna”, an ocular Axial length greater than or equal to 26 mm and a myopia greater than or equal to 6 Diopters.

7.-Photodynamic Therapy is established as a treatment in wet AMD not responding to AntiVEGF.