FacoElche 2018 was recently held, one of the best known annual eye conferences where there is talk of all the innovations that occur in the year in the field of ophthalmology.

As in previous years, are reviewed  the existing intraocular lenses in the market , and talk about all the new options.

Already exists four types of trifocal lens on the market for people who need to undergo cataract surgery. These have an optical design that diffract the light in focus for near, intermediate and distance vision, allowing greater independence for glasses after surgery at all distances.

This is the latest technology oriented to the correction of eyestrain or presbyopia, which is the workhorse over recent years in our specialty.

Of course a good choice of the patient for later success is necessary, it is very important a previous complete ophthalmological examination , but the therapeutic arsenal is increasing gradually to give good results for most lawsuits